Take a deep dive into smart cities


Vision: to develop an open data platform towards a psychological theory of interfaces among the human, the habitat, and the artifact, based on FAIR data.
Professional Development Symposia (PDS) – "The Future of System Goals and Human Rights: Data Governance & AI Ethics" with Natalie Meyers, Shuyuan Mary Ho Metcalfe, and me, Ronit Purian. Fake detection, AI policy and FAIR data testing – including hands-on exercises – are at the center of this hybrid workshop that will enable remote participants to engage with in-person attendees in Panama through a Virtual Space for Collaboration. Taking up Israel’s current political climax regarding democracy, natural disasters, and the recent pandemic as examples we will focus on the fragility of shared systems in extreme events, new innovation opportunities, and how crisis can open frontiers in system design. https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/VRP8H
Israel the day after
A 2025 newspaper that reflects on the consequences and meanings of the new regime, if we don't put a stop to anti-democratic actions. The very direct consequences on our life. The hi-tech community is active in the resistance to the judicial overhaul which aims to destroy the legal system. In this newspaper we explain the actual risks – co-editor with Batya Feldman; publisher Moshe Radman. 50,000 copies were printed and a digital copy in Hebrew is available here.
Next mission is to constitute human rights in broad agreement based on civic values https://bit.ly/Israel-today-tomorrow
The Sharing Economy in Mobility Coordination
On-demand mobility with autonomous vehicles is expected to increase traffic loads and unequal access to transport services. We wish to design mechanisms to reduce the environmental, social and economic costs of traffic inefficiencies — while enhancing social cohesion, community building and environmental caring, by: modeling spatial behaviors; developing a decentralized mobility system; and coordinating group ride-sharing to stabilize traffic. https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.03881
How to harmonize ridesharing – undergoing project.
Open Government Data and Big Data
As we are building an online information environment for research aimed at actual policy making, we also want to address industry needs. What are the data schemes that best align with social, environmental and economic welfare, as well as industry innovation.
After a series of meetings and before a consultation event, an open report will support the national open data initiative – keeping it open, safe, and harmonized for data integration, flexibility, and innovation.
How to make governmental databases available for researchers – a summary in Hebrew is available here.