Take a deep dive into smart cities
SME4SMARTCITIES – Entrepreneurial mission to Italy (Genoa), April 5-6, 2022 https://sme4smartcities.eu
Open Government- Big- Data event [רקמה – רשת לקידום מדעי הנתונים] (photo), November 28, 2021
MuniExpo 2021 convention – Open Data and Privacy Insuring Challenges: MuniTech panel (full-video; photo), October 21, 2021
London Festival of Architecture TALKS & DEBATES on Friday, June 4, 2021 – Connectivity and collaborations in urban communities: the unique opportunities of a post-COVID era.
"Challenges for mobility data sharing while implementing MaaS” and “Change in the dynamics of Resilient cities post pandemic” (invited speaker). International FAIR Convergence Symposium. December 4, 2020.
“Making Smart Mobility Sustainable: Experts Workshop”. Ministry of Environmental Protection, IPPI and Heinrich Böll Foundation, Climate Fund of the German Federal Foreign Office. December 17, 2020.
“COVID-19 in Sickness and in Health: Course Insights on Data Science and Citizen Science” (invited speaker) and CEDS MiniForum on Data Extraction (panel discussion). In EXTRACTION: TRACING THE VEINS by University of Arizona and Wageningen University, US; Massey University, New Zealand; WUR, the Netherlands. June 30, 2020.
“Pave the road: From COVID and micro-mobility to civic mindedness” (invited speaker). Early Career and Alumni Network on Data Science: Webinar series “Smart and Resilient Cities”. May 18, 2020.
“Rules and Policies that Govern Automated Vehicle Behavior” with Degani, A. and Shmueli, Y. Chicago-TAU Workshop on Cities and Urbanism. April 8, 2019.
“Smart Cities Evaluation: Define Success” (session organizer and speaker). International Conference on Smart Cities: Potentials, Prospects and Discontents. September 12, 2017.
"Indicators for assessing the state of a local authority" (invited speaker and panel). A conference on measuring and assessing local authorities' performance. The Jerusalem Institute. October 24, 2012.
Organized seminars and research workshops in Israel (2017, 2018) and abroad (Venice Biennale Architecture, 2018). Scientists' Night at TAU – “3D City Games” (Sept. 2017). PreNanoTox Belgium evaluation workshop (2014). Local Organizing Chair, ECIS – European Conference on Information Systems (2014). Organizer, the Annual Research Conference, IDC (2007) and workshops and round-tables for Koret-MI Research Fellows Program with academia and decision makers (2007-2009).
Media in Hebrew:
Co-Editor-in-Chief – Israel the Day After: Hi-tech protest https://bit.ly/Israel-today-tomorrow
Smart Cities blog – Haaretz https://www.Haaretz.co.il/blogs/ronitpurian
Cover stories & book reviews – The Marker https://www.TheMarker.com/misc/writers/WRITER-1.896
Podcast – The Posthuman Condition https://www.facebook.com/ronit.purian/posts/10159100213681234
300 listeners in 24 hours, and counting, with Dr. Carmel Vaisman, November 12, 2021.